Vizitato Vizitator
| Subiect: Anti-Dupe Script Dum 18 Iul - 17:20 | |
| Am gasit un script anti-dupe care mi so parut destul de bun.Ce face acesta? simplu sterge toate iteme cu acelasi serial. Cum faceti testul: 1.Fi sigur ca ai rulat scriptul in QA selectand DataBase MuOnline 2.Apoi deschide MuEditor 3.Intra in contu tau 4.Deschide vault, baga item (Bronze armor pt exemplu) cu serial 22222222 5.Inchide vault si fi sigur ca lai salvat 6.Deschide inventory la alt caracter introducand in inveotry Bronze armor cu acelasi serial IMPORTANT DOUBLE STEP AICI DACA ESTI IN JOC!!!!!! 7.SAlveaza iventory deschinde caracteru din nou introdu orice item sau sterge. 8.SAve inventory 9.Uitete in Vault surpriza nu mai e armura Bronze - Cod:
USE MUONLINE if exists(select * from dbo.sysobjects where type='p' and name='WZ_GetItemSerial') drop procedure WZ_GetItemSerial GO
CREATE procedure WZ_GetItemSerial AS BEGIN DECLARE @ItemSerial int SET NOCOUNT ON BEGIN TRANSACTION UPDATE GameServerInfo set @ItemSerial = ItemCount = (case when ItemCount < 0x7effffff then ItemCount+1 ELSE 1 END) IF(@@error <> 0) BEGIN rollback transaction select-1 END ELSE BEGIN commit transaction select @ItemSerial END END GO
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[trg_CheckSameID]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsTrigger') = 1) drop trigger [dbo].[trg_CheckSameID] GO
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[AllItemsLog]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[AllItemsLog] GO
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[CopyLog]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[CopyLog] GO
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AllItemsLog] ( [items_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [items_type] [binary] (1) NOT NULL , [items_serial] [binary] (4) NOT NULL , [items_acid] [varchar] (10) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CopyLog] ( [copy_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [copy_acid] [varchar] (10) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL , [copy_name] [varchar] (15) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL , [copy_type] [binary] (1) , [copy_serial] [binary] (4) , [copy_item] [binary] (16) , [copy_date] [datetime] NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AllItemsLog] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_CT_ITEM_item] DEFAULT (0) FOR [items_type], CONSTRAINT [DF_CT_ITEM_itemid] DEFAULT (0) FOR [items_serial], CONSTRAINT [DF_CT_ITEM_itemrole] DEFAULT ('') FOR [items_acid] GO CREATE INDEX [IX_CT_ITEM] ON [dbo].[AllItemsLog]([items_type], [items_serial]) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[CopyLog] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_CopyLog_copy_date] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [copy_date] GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trg_CheckSameID] ON [dbo].[character] FOR UPDATE AS BEGIN IF UPDATE(inventory) BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @wh_acid varchar(10), @wh_data binary(1920), @wh_type binary(1), @wh_serial binary(4), @wh_item binary(16), @cr_user varchar(10), @cr_acid varchar(10), @cr_char varchar(15), @cr_data binary(760), @cr_type binary(1), @cr_serial binary(4), @cr_item binary(16), @al_acid varchar(10), @j int, @ok int, @warehouse_length int, @find bit
-- Selecting information about inserted object SELECT @cr_acid=i.accountid, @cr_data=i.inventory , FROM inserted i
-- Length of the warehouse in binary SET @warehouse_length=1920 SET @j=0 SET @find=0 WHILE @j<76 AND @cr_data IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @cr_type=SUBSTRING(@cr_data,@j*16+1,1) SET @cr_serial=SUBSTRING(@cr_data,@j*16+4,4) SET @cr_item=SUBSTRING(@cr_data,@j*16+1,16) IF @cr_type<>0xFF AND @cr_serial<>0x00000000 BEGIN SELECT @al_acid=items_acid FROM allitemslog WHERE items_type=@cr_type AND items_serial=@cr_serial IF @al_acid IS NULL INSERT INTO allitemslog (items_type,items_serial,items_acid) VALUES (@cr_type,@cr_serial,@cr_acid) ELSE BEGIN UPDATE allitemslog SET items_acid=@cr_acid WHERE items_type=@cr_type AND items_serial=@cr_serial
SELECT @wh_data=items FROM warehouse WHERE accountid=@al_acid SET @ok=0 WHILE @ok<120 AND @wh_data IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @wh_type=SUBSTRING(@wh_data,@ok*16+1,1) SET @wh_serial=SUBSTRING(@wh_data,@ok*16+4,4) SET @wh_item=SUBSTRING(@wh_data,@ok*16+1,16) IF @wh_type=@cr_type AND @wh_serial=@cr_serial BEGIN SET @find=1 -- Insert dupe record in to the log (item with serial) INSERT INTO copylog (copy_type,copy_serial,copy_item,copy_acid,copy_name,copy_date) VALUES (@cr_type,@cr_serial,@cr_item,@al_acid,@cr_char,getdate()) SET @wh_data=SUBSTRING(@wh_data,1,@ok*16)+0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF+SUBSTRING(@wh_data,((@ok+1)*16+1),@warehouse_length-(((@ok+1)*16))) -- Update warehouse, delete dupe UPDATE warehouse SET items=@wh_data where accountid=@al_acid END SET @ok=@ok+1 END END END SET @j=@j+1 END IF @find=1 BEGIN -- This is where u can add more punishment like ban or lock characters
-- Block character that has dupes on him [if you feel like it] --UPDATE Character SET CtlCode=1 WHERE name=@cr_char -- Do not block the character UPDATE Character SET CtlCode=0 WHERE name=@cr_char END SET NOCOUNT OFF END END GO
mockingbird Level 3
Mesaje : 64 Puncte : 5080 Reputatie : 5 Data de inscriere : 27/02/2011 Varsta : 31 Localizare : Constanta
| Subiect: Re: Anti-Dupe Script Sam 28 Mai - 10:14 | |
| Niste hackuri de duplicate sau trade hack cum le unde iau si eu ? | |